Valuable resources for mastering effective communication with your child

In the hustle of a busy day, we might find ourselves talking quickly and sharply to our children. This can be frustrating for both parents and kids, as everyone wants to be heard and understood. It's normal to feel irritated when we don't get a response or feel like no one is listening. Gail Smith has some great tips to help us support our children and improve our conversations. Learning these skills can make a huge difference in how we communicate.

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The best way to influence your child is through modelling

When you have a strong bond with your child, you can teach them important values in a positive way. Kids often copy adults they look up to. You have a big influence on your child's life, so it's important to lead by example. Gail Smith explains why being a good role model is the best way to guide your child.

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Build self confidence in your child. You can make a big difference.

Empowering your child with self-confidence is like giving them the keys to steer their own life's journey. Dive into Gail Smith’s tips for fun and effective ways to nurture and boost your child’s belief in themselves.

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Let’s find ways to help improve our children’s language skills

Did you know that the more time children spend in front of screens, the less they hear and practice language? This can impact their speaking, listening, writing, and comprehension skills. Explore these suggestions by Gill Smith to ensure your child gets plenty of exposure to develop good language skills.

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