Let take a good look at why boredom can be a good thing

Our children at times are so overactive not to mention the incredible hours they put into their social media etc. If we can encourage our children to learn that less can sometimes be better and it can be quite a skill to learn how to do it.

Consider these ideas below that invite us to reflect on how healthy and positive, boredom can be in our life.

  1. Creativity and Imagination:

    Boredom can spark creativity and imagination, leading to innovative problem-solving skills and a deeper appreciation for the arts. Just leave lots of magazines, interesting books and crayons around the house. Let their boredom discover what they can do.

  2. Self-Discovery:

    Downtime without structured activities allows children to explore their interests and passions independently, uncovering hidden talents and hobbies. Let them roam through the garden, look outside the window etc. In order for them to be reflective, they need to just slow down

  3. Resilience and Patience:

    Facing boredom can teach kids to be more patient and resilient when dealing with challenges or waiting for rewards in school and life. Sitting and waiting is something we all should learn to practice.

  4. Enhanced Focus:

    Occasional boredom can improve a child's ability to concentrate, making them more effective at studying and completing assignments. We all need to learn patience and be prepared to wait our turn.

  5. Stress Reduction:

    Unstructured time can reduce stress, anxiety, and the pressures of constant scheduling, benefiting a child's mental health and overall well-being. Don’t be anxious if schedules are not complete or you are late occasionally. Slowing down is healthy.

  6. Quality Family Time: 

    Consider the importance of boredom in allowing for quality family time, during which parents and children can bond, have meaningful conversations, and create lasting memories. Idle conversations and no particular agenda when together can be a creative time for families.

  7. Self-Directed Learning:

    Children can engage in self-directed learning during their unstructured moments, exploring topics that pique their curiosity and contributing to their academic growth. Teachers always give children unstructured time and it is well appreciated by the students.

Not filling every moment with activities allows the brain to slow down and recover from busy directions and messages. It also creates a wonderful space that can be filled by new thoughts, ideas and dreams.

‘Allow a little boredom into your child’s life and see how it works for them’

- Gail J Smith